Sunday, November 19, 2006

Buffalo Soldiers

This Blog will be used to educate, inform and entertain you with information about the little known history of a group of U.S. Army regiments who were nicknamed, "Buffalo Soldiers." Who these men were and what their contributions to the growth and expansion of the United States was, will be highlighted in future Blogs.

For now, I'm just trying to settle into the Blogging concept and hope I can do these gentlemen's contribution to America's History proper justice.

Trooper Ron Jones


Anonymous said...

Bravo! Trooper Jones on a well written paper...Thanks for keeping us informed...

Note: I currently reside in Seminole County, Florida...the
original home of the Seminole

Margaret Hangan said...

Thank you for starting this blog and thank you for sending me the link. I look forward to the exchange of information and ideas.